Ep. 16 - FF7 Remake Story Spoiler Show

Ladies and gentlemen, it is finally here. The moment you have all been waiting for. We felt that we had waited to drop this show long enough. Those of you who planned to experience this game have already done so. We discuss in great detail the story of the remake of one of the most popular games that the world has ever seen. Enjoy!

Ep. 1 - Borderlands 3

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first episode of our brand new podcast, where we take a deep dive into a video game. We talk about video games on a deeper level than we are able to on the Chompcast and we discuss spoilers, something we have been wanting to do for quite some time. This will in no way affect the content of the Chompcast. It just allows us the ability to discuss the story in detail without revealing major parts to more casual audiences.