Gene Sequence - Ep. 80

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There was a feeling of macabre this week as we came face to face with our own mortality... but not in a literal sense.  We looked within the depths of our souls and asked the ultimate question: how do we feel about death?  What is death?  Why does it occur the way it does?  Are we pleased with how people die?

Of course, we didn't mean real humans, but rather video game deaths!  Celeste was the main game we all played this week, discussing Madeline's summit to the top of a mountain as she wrangles with her own debilitating mental faculties.  Within that context, we decided to focus on the concept on death in video games, and how it is explored mechanically-speaking.  We drew upon many influences in the video gaming world, as we all had different facets of death to explore and explain.  From there, we spent time discussing a few social media polls, a weird and ludicrous interview, a Bio Break involving real-life chimeras, and some random video game adventures amongst the crew.  Be prepared to ask yourself at the end of the episode, "How do I feel about death?" In a video game only, of course.

Gene Sequence - Ep. 80

Recorded February 23, 2018

Cuddle Fish - Ep. 79


A building stands tall, defiant of its ancient red bricks beginning to crumble under the stress of weather.  It stands three stories high, with columns and rows of windows littered on the walls.  The window at the bottom right is cracked in multiple places, but manages to stay attached to its wooden frame.  The stone staircase has been weathered by the elements, yet it stands, offering a way to the boarded-up door.  There is a sign hanging from the door, but the words are not visible from far away.  Off to the side, is a shed caved into itself, no longer of use to anyone. 
Surrounding the once-populated structure is a group of tall, dark trees, unaware of the secret they hide.  A single dove can be heard cooing in a nearby tree, yet cannot be seen.  The ground is overgrown with various species of plants, covering any exposed inch of dirt save one small, fresh trail where presumably a deer tromped through.  Bugs can be seen skittering across the unmarked path, darting from one side to the other to avoid being exposed and ultimately preyed upon.
A group of four people slowly come into view in front of the building, crouching as they walk to be on their guard and remain less exposed.  They form a line, and follow the leader through the foliage and on the trail to the stone stairs.  The back two stay at the bottom and look around, feeling on edge while wielding their makeshift wooden spears.  The leader keeps watch atop the stairs while another begins to pry apart the wood holding the door closed.  They hear a guttural growl off in the distance, forcing the four to look frantically for the potential and eventual danger.  The door is almost free of the wood blocking entrance into it, but one wood piece continues to elude them.  They pull and pull, but can not pry it free, no matter what they try.  The growl grows louder, as the sound draws closer.  The two at the bottom grip their spears tightly, steeling themselves for what will emerge from the copse of trees.  The fourth manages to finally pry the last board off of the door, and opens it.  They hurry into the marble hallway and slam the door shut.  The two with the spears begin to look for anything heavy to shove in front of the entrance door.  A strong blow hits the door, blowing it open.  The four stand frozen, staring at the doorway, and what walks through.
On this week’s episode of the Chompcast, we wrap up our final thoughts regarding Monster Hunter World and Shadow of the Colossus.  We discuss Nintendo and our current thoughts regarding thes re-releasing games from previous systems, bolstered by listener responses.  Morgan shares a few listener polls he ran on Instagram, and we share our opinions on a Bio Break article of scientists discovering the mechanism used by Cuttlefish and Octopi to protrude spikes from their skin.

Cuddle Fish - Ep. 79

Recorded February 16, 2018

Save the Princesses! - Ep. 78

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Exiting the temple, you hop onto your horse.  You speed off into the landscape, wind sweeping your hair around.  You feel the anxiety hit you, overwhelming you as you rush into a canyon.  You feel claustrophobic as the rocky walls of the limestone and granite slowly close in on you. You push through, as there is no time to waste.  You come out and are surrounded by a rocky enclosure.  In the middle of a clearing, you see a monstrous entity, towering over you and blocking out the sun.  Your horse neighs in fear.  Your eyes widen, but you temper your fear.  You grip the sword at your waist tighter.  Steeling your nerves, you hop off of your horse, ready to slay the colossus.

What an episode this week became!  We discussed romance in video games, which included some listener polls.  The topic was inspired by our game that we played, Shadow of the Colossus.  Next, we discuss a Bio Break article touching on differences in passion between American and South Asian relationships.  We delve more into Monster Hunter World, and Shea briefly talks about the last of his time with Horizon Zero Dawn.  Come listen and thanks as always for being a part of the community.

Save the Princess! - Ep. 78

Recorded February 9, 2018

Deviljho, King of the Definitely Not Just Dinosaurs - Ep. 77


Giant beasts roam the landscape, roaring their loud roars as they claim their territories.  Creatures fly overhead, with gusts of wind flowing from their massive wing spans.  Small creatures dart from bush to tree, looking to forage for food while avoiding the monstrous entities.  The overgrowth hides secrets of the forests.  Within them, there are monster hunters that slink through, hoping to achieve glory by slaying the creatures.

Another action-packed episode of the Chompcast is filled this week, as we first discuss our time together playing Fortnite.  We discuss game delays and how they impact the gaming landscape.  The first big game of the year has dropped: Monster Hunter World.  The crew is fully invested into playing it.  Shea talks about his week with playing more Horizon Zero Dawn.  Morgan shares some reader comments regarding a community question with Battlefront 2.  Lastly, the crew discusses a biology article regarding the axolotl and scientists discovering the axolotl genome.

Deviljho, King of the Definitely Not Just Dinosaurs - Ep. 77

Recorded February 2, 2018