
Review: Dodgeball Academia

Review: Dodgeball Academia

Sports RPGs seem to be back in vogue the past few years suddenly. The Early Mario Golf games were the first to bring my attention to the genre, but more recent games like Golf Story and Mario Golf Super Rush, even if the latter is way less of an RPG than its predecessors, have proven the genre can still hit. Dodgeball Academia takes the sports RPG mentality, packs it with anime trappings, and tops it off with Pokemon references for a pretty impressive final product.

Review: Psychonauts 2

Review: Psychonauts 2

Author: Rich Meister

It’s hard to believe it’s been sixteen years since Double Fine’s Psychonauts wormed its way into my heart. It’s been so long that I couldn’t shake the feeling that Psychonauts 2 would fail to deliver. I’m happy to report that my gut feeling couldn’t have been more wrong. Psychonauts 2 is a charming, funny adventure that shows just how much Double Fine has learned in almost two decades.

Platforming is tighter, the world is more grandiose yet easy to explore, and Raz’s new adventure doesn’t fail to deliver on all the questions the original game still had us asking.

Review: Tell Me Why

Review: Tell Me Why

Tell Me Why feels like two loosely joined ideas. It’s a grounded story about rekindling lost relationships, loss, and personal identity, but it’s also trying to be a supernatural Twin Peaks-esque thriller. It doesn’t handle either thing particularly badly, but the more supernatural elements often feel at odds with the otherwise incredibly grounded and drama-filled story. The characters are fantastic and likable, but I can feel myself getting sucked out whenever weird supernatural forces are slammed into the equation.

Review: A Plague Tale: Innocence

Review: A Plague Tale: Innocence

Do you know what would be a fun topic right now? The Bubonic Plague. Yes, I’m a bit late to the party on A Plague Tale. It was always a game I had planned to make time for but what with a plague currently sweeping the globe it seemed like poor timing. Despite all of that I’m glad I finally did. This heart-wrenching tale of Amicia and Hugo, two siblings forced on the run by the Inquisition amidst a plague riddled France might have made my top ten in 2019 had I made the time.