Episode 10 - Joel Corelitz

Hello everyone! We are back with some new episodes of Evoking the Sublime!

First episode, Shea sat down with Joel Corelitz, a BAFTA-nominated composer who worked on The Unfinished Swan, Hohokum, Gorogoa, Death Stranding, Eastward, Solar Ash, and Halo Infinite, among many other gaming soundtracks. He also runs Waveplant Studios and teaches a course a Columbia University.

Their discussion ranged from Joel’s beginnings, what it was like to work on each project, fans who have different choices of his favorite work, and much more.

If you are interested in learning more about his work, head over to his website to learn more!

A big thank you to:

  • Jason for the logo work

  • Eddie Baquet for the music theme